Entrepreneurial Women!

Entrepreneurial Women!

Posted by Jayne Weber on Mar 31st 2017

Interested in becoming an Entrepreneur? Think it would be fun to be your own boss? Develop/Design your own line of "something", be involved in the manufacture, quality control, marketing and selling of your products!?!?!? You are a rare and special woman. Me too! I just didn't know it until fairly recently. I have been doing my "own thing" now for many years, and with not too many other women to give me guidance. Let's change that for you!

Jewelry is a product predominantly marketed to, and enjoyed by women, yet the field is dominated by men. Having been in this industry for 40 years (I KNOW, right? I can't believe it myself!!), and I have had many challenges being a woman. I would like to offer some words of advice to those of you who want to strike out on your own, in any industry. It still is a man's world, and if I can save you a little time and/or heartache by just sharing one of my many stories it would make me a happy-er person.

I am available to speak at your chapter meetings, business fraternity meetings, or as a guest speaker for your class or club. I will only entertain you for about 15 minutes or so, but you will learn a lot, and laugh a little too. Business is fun, frustrating, and can be financially rewarding. Lets talk about how you can "Play with the Big Boys" ;-)